September 2008

  • 67 Obama’s Hard Words and Soft Touch

This episode of m podcast comprises excerpts from Barack Obama’s speech September 16, 2008 at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado.  I was there with a friend of ours, Tish, from Wyoming, who had an exciting moment at the end of the event.  Also included are reactions to the talk by some of those in attendance, including myself.

The New York Times coverage of the Golden speech is here.  Full video of the speech is here. Daily Kos has text of advance copy of speech, which Obama followed very closely.

For an intelligent analysis of Obama’s economic philosophy, I recommend this piece published August 20, 2008 in the New York Times Magazine by David Leonhardt.  Click here for an audio podcast interview with the author.

Music for my podcast is “Going to the Sun” composed and performed by Montana musicians Christine Dickinson, Janet Haarvig and Matthew Lyon, from their Glacier Journey CD.

I welcome your comments at 206-666-274 or

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  • 66 Talking Politics with Albert Maruggi

Albert Maruggi, my well-connected Republican Twitter friend who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, has great insights into the convention going on in his hometown this week.  Albert was a key GOP staffer when Dan Quayle was chosen as Bush I’s VP, so his memories are good preparation for tonight’s big speech by Gov. Sarah Palin.  In this telephone interview today, he also tells why watching Palin is a NASCAR experience.

You can listen to our other “Utterzly Political” conversations here or here.

The music for my podcast is “Going to the Sun,” composed and performed by Montana musicians Christine Dickinson, Janet Haarvig and Matthew Lyon.  It’s from their excellent Glacier Journey CD.

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