February 2023

  • 61 mp3 Breakfast of Videos

mp3 version of Episode 61, Breakfast of Videos.

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  • 61 Breakfast of Videos

Social Media Breakfast 8, hosted by Bryan Person and Bob Collins June 24, 2008 at Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge, Mass., was all about video.  An audience of nearly 100 heard excellent presentations from Larry Lawfer of YourStorys.com and Jeff Glasson of PerkettPR.com and two other presentations excerpted in this episode of the Audio Pod Chronicles.  Those two were by recent Emerson College students Ben Grossman and Emily Belyea, who created a winning video-based proposal to resuscitate AOL’s AIM social media programs, and Rob Lane, founder and CEO of Overlay.tv , who is making videos interactive. 

It was impossible to listen to all four presentations and not sense the energy in Internet video, and the creativity.  I came right home and started playing with Overlay.tv and can’t wait to do more.

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  • 60 MP3 Waiting for iPHone 3G

MP3 version of this week’s podcast.

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  • 60 Waiting for iPhone 3G

On June 10, 2008, the day after Steve Jobs announced the iPhone 3G, I attended a meeting of the Boston PDA User Group (BOSPDAUG) at MIT, where the next iPhone was Topic Number One among the developers and users in attendance. After the meeting, I interviewed the group’s founder, Al Willis, who spoke about the iPhone in China, Apple’s stock price, and when I’ll be able to sync my Getting Things Done (GTD) lists between my Mac and my iPhone.  (Answer: soon!)

Music for my podcast is "Going to the Sun" composed and performed by Montana musicians Christine Dickinson, Janet Haarvig, and Matthew Lyon, from their Glacier Journey CD.

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  • 59 MP3 Among the Libertarians

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  • 59 Among the Libertarians

I visited the Libertarian Party national convention this past weekend in Denver.  On Sunday night I spoke with Bob Sullentrup, who the next morning was reelected national party secretary.  On Monday I returned in time to catch one of the candidates for national chair, Ernest Hancock, and in the hallways I spoke with several delegates who freely expressed their love of freedom, small government and low taxes. I found it invigorating to be among people who hold their beliefs so passionately.  It was a refreshing break from the never-ending horserace between my candidate, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, with John McCain waiting in the wings. 

The full video of my interview with Bob Sullentrup is available here.

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  • EXTRA Montana Arts Council workshop

A terrific group effort by arts organizations attending the Marketing Tune-Up workshop in Great Falls, Montana. Thank you all!

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  • 58 mp3 Where There’s Smoke There’s Podcasts

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  • 58 Where There’s Smoke There’s Podcasts

On May 13, 2008 I gave a talk on podcasting at the Arts Foundation of Cape Cod. Just as we were getting started, my host Beth Dunn of the Foundation spotted smoke coming out of an electrical outlet.  Thus began an even more exciting evening than the one we’d planned.  A Delicious list of tags for the talk is here.

Thanks to Beth’s quick working of her local network, she found alternate space for my presentation at the Cape Cod Community College.  The MacBook Air was not playing nicely with the college’s AV system, so as the audience made its way into the new venue, I quickly transfered my presentation to the trusty MacBook Pro I brought along as a backup.

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  • 57 mp3 Waiting for the Democrats

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