
  • 63 PodCampers Pick Podcasts – mp3

mp3 version of today’s Audio Pod Chronicles, “PodCampers Pick Podcasts.”

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  • 62 A Dilly of a Denver Police Commander

Denver Police Commander Debra Dillly heads District 6, the core downtown area.  On July 8, 2008 she addressed a meeting of homeowners from three downtown condominium buildings, including the one I live in. She gave the best overview I’ve heard so far of what it’s really going to be like in my neighborhood August 25-28 when the Democratic National Convention comes to town.  Now I will how to tell Obama‘s motorcade from President Carter’s, how regular police work will be handled, the effect of the convention on Denver’s homeless population, and what NOT to do if I get tear-gassed.

Note: The audio calls this episode 61, but in fact it’s number 62.  Credit the error to sleep deprivation.

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  • 62 mp3 A Dilly of a Denver Police Commander

mp3 version of Episode 62, A dilly of a Denver Police Commander.

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  • 61 Breakfast of Videos

Social Media Breakfast 8, hosted by Bryan Person and Bob Collins June 24, 2008 at Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge, Mass., was all about video.  An audience of nearly 100 heard excellent presentations from Larry Lawfer of and Jeff Glasson of and two other presentations excerpted in this episode of the Audio Pod Chronicles.  Those two were by recent Emerson College students Ben Grossman and Emily Belyea, who created a winning video-based proposal to resuscitate AOL’s AIM social media programs, and Rob Lane, founder and CEO of , who is making videos interactive. 

It was impossible to listen to all four presentations and not sense the energy in Internet video, and the creativity.  I came right home and started playing with and can’t wait to do more.

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  • 61 mp3 Breakfast of Videos

mp3 version of Episode 61, Breakfast of Videos.

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