
  • 76 Kevin Rafferty on

Kevin Rafferty talks about his documentary, “Harvard Beats Yale, 29-29” before a screening of the film at the Denver Film Society‘s Starz Theatre in Denver on April 14, 2009.  With audience Q&A after the screening.

I was a freshman at Harvard on November 23, 1968, the day of a legendary football game between Harvard and Yale.  Rafferty’s loving attention to the details of that game and the characters of the players makes this a most satisfying film and a highly original portrait of the Sixties.

UPDATE: Harvard buffs may also be interested in this interview I did with my Harvard friend Ben Beach when he and I first saw the movie in Cambridge the weekend of the 40th anniversary of the 29-29 tie. Ben is a former sports editor of The Harvard Crimson and has more details on the mystery surrounding who actually wrote the iconic headline that became the title of the movie.


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